(Vendex is now known as Passport)

(718) 757-6933
Find Debarments, Cautions & more
Expert Search & Retrieval Service

*We are NOT affiliated with the city of New York.  We are a PRIVATE entity offering expert research and retrieval services.*  If you are looking for NYC, you need to call the NYC Mayors Office of Contracts directly.

What does NYC Passport Mayors Office of Contracts(f/k/a Vendex) say about you, your company, contractors or subcontractors?
Read the article by attorney Claude M. Millman as to why it is so important that you know what Vendex has on file.

What we do

We conduct expert manual searches of the New York City Mayor's Office of Contract Services (MOCS) N.Y.C. Passport f/k/a Vendex system to determine what information is contained on a specific entity or individual.  Call us at 718-757-6933.

Our primary clients include construction companies who are screening subcontractors, investigative firms conducting monitorships or owners/developers who want to make sure they are not doing business with an entity that has been flagged by the Passport f/ka/Vendex NY system.  

Why conduct a Passprt NYC Vendex Search?

Check out the investigation by WNBC NY here.  You may be identified by the "company" you keep.  Are you doing business with an entity that has been flagged for integrity problems?   

If you are bidding on NYC work and are using a subcontractor with integrity issues identified in Passport f/ka Vendex, your project may experience significant delays if you are told to remove that sub.  Isn't it better to know in advance who you have working on your project?


What is the Passport f/kaNew York Vendex (Vendor Information Exchange System)?

Passport f//k/a Vendex is an electronic database maintained by the NYC Mayors Office 
of Contract Services.  This database contains information that you may not find
anywhere else.


What will you find in Passport f/k/a NYC Vendex?

*Affiliated entities
*Contractor Questionnaire
*Principal Questionnaire
*Entity Profile
*Performance Evaluations
*Tax Status

How much do your services cost?

Hourly or per search
We offer an hourly rate for research or a pay per search model.  Call/email for hourly rates.

Pay per search model is available if we will be going to Vendex anyway or if you have enough volume.  Each search is billed separately, so a search of the entity would be search (1), and a search of the principal would be search (2).  Each additional principal or entity name variation would be billed as a separate search.  Cost per search is $35-$50 depending on volume. 

Payment is required prior to conducting any searches (unless a corporate account is established) and can be paid via credit card.

Is there a minimum number of searches required?
If you have one search or 100 searches, we can handle your needs. 

What will you provide me/ How do I get the results?
We will provide you with the printouts from Passport f/k/a Vendex.  These will be emailed as a PDF file to you.  A summary page will be provided that outlines which categories contained information about your subject.  The results themselves will not be analyzed.    

Email your requests to or you can call (718) 757-6933 
Please include the subjects full name and address.  Please also include your contact information (name, company name, address, phone number, email, and your reference number)